Refer Your Patient to a Therapist

Connect patients to qualified therapists with confirmed availability.

Therapists and healthcare professionals are joined to help America amid record levels of mental health challenges.

You're invested in your community's health. As a healthcare provider, you frequently encounters patients requiring specialized mental health support. We know that providers are frustrated by the limitations and complexity of existing referral systems, and seeking a more streamlined, efficient, and accountable process. You need platform that makes it easy to refer patients to mental health professionals who are not just available, but also well-suited to each patient's specific needs.

Consult List is a free and ethical solution for connecting people in need with out-patient therapists in their area. Our groundbreaking software redefines the therapist referral process, eliminates dozens of phone calls, and helps patients find the perfect fit while demonstrating your commitment to their well-being, and reducing recidivism rates. Use the Consult List to bridge the gap between their services and mental health support, ensuring their clients receive timely, comprehensive and personalized care.

Save Time

Providing better care doesn't have to mean spending more time. Our process is fast and effective.

Improve Outcomes

When mental health conditions are not promptly treated, they can create crisis situations, causing strain on our already taxed healthcare system. By assisting patients in finding outpatient care, you prevent suffering and increase positive outcomes.

Treat the Whole Person

Mental health should not be siloed from physical health. They're deeply connected and dependent on one another.

Here's what our Healthcare Professional Members are saying:

"Using The Consult List to find available therapists saves my practice time, but more importantly, it gives my patients encouragement and hope to know that there are local therapists who want to help them. It's a better way to take that ‘first step’ when they are ready to invite more support in their life.”

-Primary Care Physician

"Our hospital's social work team supports patients in managing their emotional and psychological well-being.  Part of that work includes referring patients to therapists for that support following their discharge.  We use TCL to give them choice and empower them in finding the therapist that they think can best help them."

-Social Worker/Hospital Case Manager

Therapist-owned.  Clinically & ethically motivated.  No data selling.  No ties to big tech.