Refer Your Student to a Therapist

Connect students to qualified therapists within your community.

You're invested in your community's mental health.

As a school or university professional, you're a knowledgeable advisor in connecting students to community resources.  
Help your students and their families quickly connect with qualified care, and send them their own Consult List, detailing available therapists who confirm they're available to help the student.
Your student & family stays in control of the therapist selection process, and they're  empowered to find the right fit therapist, quickly and easily.

Therapists and school professionals are joined to help America's youth and young adults amid record levels of mental health challenges.

Hello, available therapists!

With waitlists spanning months for some specialists, we're seeking out therapists who have availability, and making it easier for students to find these therapists.

Virtual sessions. In-Person sessions.

Give your students the choice of which feels more comfortable for them.

Maximum Privacy

Responding therapists won't see your identity, or know the identity of your student.

Use Cases


"I refer families to therapists by using The Consult List to describe their needs and send it to my trusted network of local therapists. Then, I send the link to the family, so they can take it from there. It's a valuable service for them when they need specialized resources, and it saves them from making endless dead-end phone calls."


"Our university counseling center supports students in managing their emotional and psychological well-being, which allows them to succeed academically and personally.  Part of that work includes referring students to local therapists.  We use TCL to connect them to therapists, because it gives them the most choice and control in selecting the therapist that they think can best help them."

Therapist-owned.  Clinically & ethically motivated.  No data selling.  No ties to big tech.

Hello, school professional!
The work you do in supporting the social and emotional learning in students is so important. When we support youth mental health, we support more than just their quality of life at the moment; we are supporting their development as well-adjusted, confident and compassionate human beings.

We're sure you are quite familiar with how difficult it has been to help find child and adolescent therapists with availability. Online directories and traditional referral lists often create hours of work for the parents, and can feel like a wild goose chase of dead-end referrals.

The Consult List is dedicated to increasing access to appropriate mental health services for everyone.  We understand that you are on the front lines caring for America's youth, and we know you are already very busy. The Consult List can help you find qualified outpatient providers for students needing mental health support more quickly. We take privacy and verifying each member of our community very seriously.

We are so glad you are here.

Get started today.

When registering, please include a website link to your state's verification page for school counselors. This will help us verify your credentials and get you onto the system, so you can facilitate your students' access to quality referrals.